Wednesday 25 March 2015

Stolen Data - How To Stay Safe

We previously posted about keeping your identity safe in our post "8 Tips For Christmas Confidentiality".

Sadly, identity theft still affects thousands of people. Having your confidential data stolen can have a huge impact financially, and can affect victims' reputation, livelihood and health. 

At Cube RMS we offer secure storage for your confidential data files and records in our state of the art storage facility.

How can I access my files?

Should you have old files that need to be disposed of, don't risk letting them fall into the wrong hands if disposed of incorrectly. We can also collect your old confidential records and dispose of them for you using our Secure Destruction Service

Thursday 12 March 2015

Secure Destruction

Having your confidential data and identity stolen can have a huge impact on your life – it can affect your finances, reputation and health.

Ensuring you dispose of any documents containing personal information correctly is essential to ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands.

At Cube RMS we offer our clients a secure Document Shredding and Disposal Service. Your confidential records are collected from you by the Cube RMS team and we transfer them to our Data Storage facility.

What happens next?

Your unwanted confidential files are:


Compacted into bales



As well as paper records and documents, other items such as X-Rays or media/film can be shredded, solvents reclaimed and incinerated at our facility. A “Certificate of Destruction” is issued for all document destruction at our site.

How often can my unwanted files be collected?

Depending on your needs, this can be a one off collection, or a more regular (day to day/weekly/monthly) collection.

If our Document Shredding and Disposal Service would benefit you, contact our team and we will be happy to help you.